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Công ty TNHH kim loại Ôn Châu Kaixin

Ôn Châu Kaixin Metal Co., Ltd.

Stainless steel round bars are cylindrical bars made of stainless steel. They are widely used in a range of applications, including construction, manufacturing, and engineering, as they offer excellent resistance to corrosion, heat, and chemicals.

Stainless steel round bars are available in a variety of grades, including 304, 316, 440C, and 17-4 PH. Each grade has specific properties and characteristics that make it suitable for different applications.

The size of a stainless steel round bar can vary widely, from small 0.125-inch-diameter bars to large 12-inch-diameter bars. The length of the bar also varies, with standard lengths ranging from 12 feet to 20 feet.





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